WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Eric Olsen) 5 Hang Cleans5 Front Squats5 Box Jumps50 D-undersx 7 Rounds Rx- 155/105, 30/24″”S1- 135/95, 24/20″”, Singles x 2S2- 95/55, 20/14″”, 15/11 cals” Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 2 Power Snatches OTMEM x 10mins WOD: (And then,…..) Run 800 M (8min Cap) Then in any order:100 Wall Balls80 Push-ups60 Pull-ups 20min Cap Rx-20/14 to 10′, chipper S1-run 3 laps, 80 WB 14/10#, 60 Push upsS2- run 1.5 laps, 50 WB 14/10# to 9′, 50 Knee Push-ups, ring rows ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: A- Max 1min weighted Plank B- 4 Way Monster Walks Superset x 3 sets and a 4th set of planks WOD: (The A-Team) 3 person Team 5,000m RowMax Sit-upsTire Drag 150m -switch stations when tire drag completes distance each round -Score is rower time minus (-) sit-up reps (in sec.)...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Pull-up Test Best out of 3 attempts on 2mins, (then 2 more sets for working sets) WOD: (Helen) 400m Run21 KBs12 Pull-ups x 3 Rds Rx- 400m Run, 53/35, pull-upsS1- 300m Run, 44/26, bandedS2- 200m Run or Row, 35/18, JumpingRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (The new 30) 30 rounds with a partner relay style- 10 WBs10 Push-ups10 KBs Rx- 30/20, Ring Push-ups, 80/63S1-20/14, 63/44S2- 14/10, knees, 35/18Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:3rm Split Jerk (Re-Test#5) Or 5rm Strict Press WOD: (Back it up) 6 Power Jerks12 TTBs12 BB back rack Lunges x 5 rds Rx- 155/105S1- 115/80, KTES2- 75/45, knee raise, Bodyweight lunge 15min Cap Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: L-sit 5 x ME sets on 2mins WOD: (The Fun Stuff) Partner Wod4min AMRAP, 1 min break-1- Tire Flips2- Bike (Cals)3- Stones4- D-unders 20minsRead More