WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:3rm Clean (Full), touch and go (Re-Test#4) or 5rm F Squat WOD:(Overload) 6 Power Cleans8 Burpees10min AMRAP Rx- 245/160S1- 165/105S2- 95/55Read More
The sun is peaking out today and giving us a taste of SPRING. That being said, it’s time to introduce our new Spring line of EXP Apparel! Take a peak! Memorial Day Shirts & Tanks! Excited to share that our 2019 Memorial Day WOD T-shirts are now available for ordering!20% of all shirt sales will...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Ring Dip (Re-Test#2) Best out of 3 attempts on 2mins, (then 2 more sets) :-Rings-Rings w/ Red Band-Matadore/ Jerk Boxes-Ring Support Hold ME or – Find your 5rm Bench Press WOD: (All over again) 1 mile Run (10min Cap) at the 12min Mark 800m Run (5min Cap) at...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE STRENGTH:3rm Snatch(Full), touch and go (Re-Test#1)-Record your 3rm or 5rm OHS (if you cannot OHS 135/95, choose the OHS Test)-Record your 5rm WOD: (Crunch) 10 Squat Snatch20 Pull-ups40 Sit-ups x 3 Rds Rx- 135/85, CTBsS1- 95/65, BW S2- OHS 65/35, Jumping 15minsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Split Jerk Or Shoulder Press WOD: (Head to toes) 10/7 Cal A Bike 12 Toes To Bars14 Box Jumps 16min AMRAP Rx- 30/24S1- 24/20, knee raiseS2- 20/14 Step-up, V-upsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: A) 10 DB renegade rows/ Side B) 4 way Monster walks Super Set until 4 sets of renegade rows with 3 sets of Monster Walks” WOD: (Dorie) AMRAP (with a Partner) in 20 minutes Buy In:150 meter Partner Carry (each, or a Sandbag Carry) Then, in time remaining:Partner A...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Clean (Squat) Or F Squat WOD:(The Horizon) 3 Squat Cleans4 Lateral Bar burpeesx 10 rds 12min Cap Rx-185/135S1-115/80S2-65/45, no bound over bar Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Dip 2 ME Sets, then find your 1rm weighted matadore dip over the next 6-8mins** If ME Ring Dip number is under 10 reps, contintue with ME Dips on 2mins x 5 rds, do not add weight. Or Bench Press WOD: (On the run) 300m Run10/7 Muscle-ups15 Deadliftsx...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Snatch Or OHS WOD: (Settle In) 20 Kettlebell Snatches (anyway, 10 reps per arm)25 Goblet Squats30 Sit-ups x 12min AMRAP Rx- 70/53, GHDsScaled 1/ Masters -53/35Scaled 2- 35/18 or DB Alt. Snatches (25/15), Ait Squats, 20 sit-ups Read More