Friday 05.11.2018


STRENGTH: HSPUs, ME x 5 sets
-Strict Press (95/55/ 35)
– incline HSPU onn knees
– HSPUs toes on box
-Kipping or strict HSPUs

Since Amanda H  (aka Pants) is leaving us and moving to Tennessee we wanted to do one last workout with her.  So in honor of her, we are doing the CF Opens 16.1 workout where Amanda crushed it!!!!  We have changed a few things to make it more EXP’ish.  Safe travels Amanda and we are going to miss you!!!
WOD: (“Pants”) 
20min AMRAP
25ft OH Walking Lunge
8 Burpees
25ft OH Walking Lunge
8 CTB Pull-ups
L1- 60/40, CTBs
L2- 40/20 (bag on back), Pull-ups
L3- 20/ BW lunge, Jumping Pull-up