WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back Squat 5m (Test #1) WOD:(Berger) 400m Run 20 P Snatches 10 Burpees x 3 rds 18min Cap L1-95/65 L2/M-65/45, 300m L3- KB swing 35/18, 200m “ Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 3rm Clean(Full), touch and go (Re-Test#4) WOD:(Barnette) 3 squat cleans (75% of your PREVIOUS 3rm) 6 burpees* *can you beat your previous score x 6min amrap Rest 4mins Then 6min AMRAP- “ultimate abs” 10 Vups 10 Roll-ups 10 Double crunches 10 Leg lifts 10 Sit-ups ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 3rm Snatch(Full), touch and go (Re-Test#1) or 3rm OHS WOD:(Alvarado) 12 Pull-ups 25 sit ups* 6 Rds * compare to 6 weeks ago when we did 10 pull-ups/ 20 sit-ups, can you beat your previous time? L1- rx L2-banded, 20 sit-ups L3-V-row, 15 sit ups (10min Cap) ...Read More
Our Barbells for Boobs Event will be held on Saturday October 14th at CrossFit EXP in Leominster, MA. Both scaled and RX versions of the workout “Grace” will be completed to raise money to help this great cause! STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Grace) 30 Power Clean & Jerks for time Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Jerry) Run 1 mile Row 2,000m Run 1 mile 30min Cap L1- 5 laps, 2000m, 5 laps L2/ M- 4 laps, 1800m, 4 laps L3-3 laps, 1500m, 3 laps ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Clean building WOD:(Robbins) 3 F Squats 4 Lateral Bar burpees x 10 rds 12min Cap L1-185/135 L2/M-115/80 L3-65/45, no bound over bar Read More
Don’t forget starting this week we have our “Nooner”.. Come on out at 12pm to get a workout in. WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Snatch building or OHS building WOD:(Ahlers) 15 KBs 30 Sit-ups 45 Squats x 4 L1- 70/53 L2/M-53/35 L3- 35/18 ...Read More