Today’s Workout: Strength: (Building strength: week 5 of 6) Push-Jerk 5x3Rm ( Workout: 50 Box Jumps 50 Wall Balls 50 Sit-ups 50 Pull-ups 50 D-Unders *3 burpees on the minute every minute. Member Feedback! “I’m in Toronto, CA for business and asked Nick for some training exercises while I’m gone for 3...Read More
Maggie’s double-unders Today’s Workout: Strength: (Building strength: week 5 of 6) Deadlift 5x3Rm ( Workout: 20 KBS (53/36) 20 Push-ups 20 Double Unders 20 Min AMRAP APRIL Upcoming Events: POSE Running Clinic – 4/2/11 Discover the proven formula for fast, efficient and effortless running technique used by the most accomplished and successful runners and athletes...Read More
Today’s Workout: Strength: (Building strength: week 4 of 6) Power Cleans 5x5Rm ( Workout: “Claudia” 20 KB Swings (53/35) 400m Run 5 rounds for time Pull-up Clinic Update If you were in attendance for Saturday’s pull-up clinic there is no doubt you learned some great info from Nick and Tiffany to help you refine your pull-up and double under...Read More
As FitCamp/CrossFit coaches Nick, Tiff and I (as well as our new coaches in training Brian and Jared) see the amazing accomplishments and share in the inspiring experiences of our members each and every day. We see the moments when a member unknowingly becomes a motivator and leader by cheering on a fellow classmate as they tough through the end of...Read More
Today’s Workout: Strength: Front Squat Workout: “Elizabeth” Squat Clean Ring Dip 21-15-9 15 min CAP Level 1: 45lbs women/65lbs men/Knee Push-ups Level 2: 65lbs/95lbs/Toe Push-ups Level 3: 95lbs/135lbs/Ring Dips Paleo Challenge: Day 36 FitCamp SOCK Day: This Friday, February 25th wear your most colorful and creative socks to class. Congratulations to Brian & Jared! They ...Read More
I came across this video last night (courtesy of CrossFit) and it reminded me of how fit our studio girls are becoming. Not a single day goes by that I don’t witness or hear about another amazing transformation or success story. Yesterday I saw Kathy A. in the 4pm class and I was amazed at how...Read More
I frequently hear members saying “I wish I found FitCamp/CrossFit when I was younger”. The young man in this photo must have overheard that statement and he took action immediately. After doing a few months of personal training with Nick, Montana was more than ready to take FitCamp by storm. He came into class with the right mindset,...Read More
Today’s Workout: Strength: Deadlift 1RM “Tabata” – Perform 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for eight sets of each of the following exercises. Score = your lowest reps for any set of each exercise. Burpees Pull-ups Box Jumps Mt. Climbers Row Bicycles Paleo Challenge: Day 23 …Read More
Hola! Just watched “Dispicable Me” with my Angela and Emma and it was a great flick so be sure to check it out for a good laugh. Gotta love those animated movies that kids love and parents can crack up at. Okay, on to today’s post. The overhead squat (OHS) is feared by many but it...Read More