Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot. I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...Read More
STRENGTH:NONE WOD (10 minutes of Heaven): Partner Wod 10min ME Burpee Box Jumps rest 3mins 10min ME SB Get-ups rest 3mins 10min ME D-unders L1- 24/20, 60/40, D-unders L2- Burpees, 40/20, D-unders L3- Burpees, 20/bw lunge, singles Super Food September: Fermented Foods The trillions of tiny creatures living in our bodies have been making headlines...Read More
STRENGTH: Bench Press across at around 90% of your 5rm WOD (Coupon): 20 Box Jumps 15 TTB 10 push jerks X4 rounds, 2mins rest in between rounds L1- 135/95, 5 bar M-ups or TTB L2- 95/65, Knee raise L3- 65/35, V-ups Super Food September: Flaxseeds Flaxseeds are not only a good source of fiber but also loaded...Read More
STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(HotShots 19) 6 Rds of – 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans 7 strict Pull-ups 400m Run L1- 135/95 L2- 75/55, banded pull-up, 300m run L3- 5 rounds- 20 A Squats, 65/45, 7 V rows, 200m Run Super Food September: Açai Native to the rainforests of South America, the açai (pronounced ah-SIGH-ee) is...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 8am-10am. Superfood September: Spinach Antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamins that promote vision and bone health are what make this little ol’ green so super . And...Read More
STRENGTH: None WOD:(You) 5 rounds, 2min rest between rounds- 12 Burpees 14 Box Jumps 16 1DB Alt Lunges 18 DB Snatch 20/15 Cals Row/ bike L1- 24/20, 50/35 L2/ M- 20/14, 40/25 L3- 14/ plate, 30/15 45min cap Super Food September: Strawberries Vitamin C is the superstar of this superfood. Just one cup of these red...Read More
STRENGTH: Snatch WOD:(Maker) 15min AMRAP 15 Wall Balls 15 Pull-ups 15 KB Swings L1- 30/20, 82/62 L2- 20/14, jumping, 70/44 L3- 14/10, V-row, 35/18 Super Food September: Green Tea This ages-old health secret has been used as a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease ! The secret to this delicious drink? Antioxidants!...Read More
STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Expo) with a partner- Run 400m x 8 alternating, each transition you have to do 40 air squats before you can run again Row 500m x 8 alternating, each transition you have to do 30 Hollow Rocks before you can row again 35mins L1- 400m/500m, 40 air squats, 30 Hollow Rocks L2/M- 300m/400m,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 7am -8:45 am. Superfood September: Blueberries Blueberries have long been known to increase concentration and help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It is great for bone...Read More