Meet Deb! Deb is a newer member to the EXP Family but her amazing accomplishments in her short amount of time with us stand out to our coaches and fellow members! Deb has lost 20 pounds since she started with us back in April for a 6 week trail. She shows up, works hard &...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Power Clean building WOD: (Sunflower) 200m Run 7 Power Cleans 10 Burpees x 4 Rds Rest exactly 90sec. after each round. L1- 185/125 L2- 135/85 L3- 95/55Read More
Melissa has been a life long member of ours, 10 years to be exact! Over that time she has increased her health and quality of life and we are so proud of her constant progress! Meet Melissa! Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? First of all, I feel so honored that I have...Read More
5/17/18-**EVENT CANCELLED AND WILL BE RESCHEDULED FOR THE FALL** Let’s face it, when you see an Olympic lift variation included in your Workout of the Day, one of two things happen: you either jump for joy because you find the technical challenge of the Olympic lifts exciting to master, or your heart sinks as you...Read More
Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? Being in the worst shape of my life weighing almost 270 lbs I knew I needed to make a change in my lifestyle. My Uncle, BJ Meunier, had been going to EXP for almost a year at the time and seeing his incredible progression motivated me to...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Deadlift WOD: (Center) 10 DB Power Cleans 20 Cal/15 Cal Bike* 40 D-unders x 4 Rds * if bikes are busy, row instead. L1- 70/50 L2/M- 50/35, 15/12cal Bike, 1/2 D-unds L3- 25/15, 10/7 Cals, 40 singlesRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Push Jerk WOD: The OX 15 Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 30 A squats 400m Run x 4 Rds L1- CTBs, 400m L2/M- BW, incline, 300m run L3- Jump, knee, 20 squats, 200m 20min capRead More
Get to know Rebecca Carr! You can always count on Rebecca to give 100% and have a smile on her face while she’s at EXP! She is a working mom who has choose to make her health a priority to be the best person she can be for her family! Part of Rebecca’s amazing story...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(Peeps) Teams of 3, only 1 works at a time 6min AMRAP 2 min rest between rounds 1- Row (total cals) 2- Tire Drag 90/50 75′ (total lengths) 3- Atlas stones/ sandbags/ MBs 4- A Bike Cals 5- Max Distance F Carries 75ft length (70/53)Read More
We are super excited to be hosting another awesome competition at CrossFit EXP! This event has something for everyone from the beginner athlete to our masters athletes! Also, if you’d like to participate but cannot compete, we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help out with the event (sign up here!) We hope to...Read More