Wednesday 09.05.2018

STRENGTH: Split Jerk Or
Strict Press

40/30 Cal Bike/ row
40/ 30 Push-ups
80 D-unders
30/21 Cal Bike/ row
30/21 Push-ups
60 D-unders
20/15 Cal Bike/ row
20/15 Push-ups
40 D-unders
10/ 7 Cal Bike/ row
10 Push-ups
20 D-unders
L1- 10-8-6-4 M-ups
L2- Rx
L3- go 2min/90sec/1min/30sec on bike, knee push-ups, 2 x singles
Superfood September: Kale
This rough and tough green beats out all the rest in terms of nutrition, providing more antioxidants than most other fruits and veggies! It’s also a fantastic source of fiber, calcium, and iron. Prepare it virtually any way, from boiled or steamed to roasted (try it as a chip!) or stewed.