Paleo Challenge Info Packet
To get started with our 6-week Paleo Challenge click on the link above and read through our Paleo Info Packet.
Paleo Challenge Tracking Sheet
Keep track of your progress using our Paleo Tracking sheet. Either print and record on paper or use electronic version.
What is the Paleo Diet?
In simple terms the Paleo diet is derived from modern foods that (to the best of our ability) emulate the foods available to our pre-agricultural ancestors: Meat, fish, fowl, vegetables, fruits, roots, tubers and nuts. Grains, legumes and dairy are omitted from the Paleo diet as well as McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s.
Paleo Food Lists
4 different food lists for varying Paleo diet adherence. 100% Paleo, 80% paleo, 50% Paleo and 25% Paleo. All four of these lists are healthier than the traditional western diet and will provide structure for better eating. The closer you get to 100% Paleo the better health, energy and results you will experience.
Paleo Shopping List
A comprehensive list of Paleo foods sorted by category into a convenient shopping list resource. Also included is a blank template you can print, fill out and take on your next Paleo shopping adventure.
Paleo Recipes
Here we have a collection of both published Paleo recipes as well as some EXP member originals. If you have a recipe you’d like to share with others then please take a moment to post it as a comment on the Paleo Recipe page.
Paleo FAQ’s
Have questions about eating Paleo? Post a comment below and we will reply as soon as possible.