Friday 2.8.13

EXP “Snowpocalypse” Update: Friday we WILL have all morning classes as normally scheduled. All Friday evening BootCamp (5:15pm) and CrossFit (4, 5:15 and 6:30pm) classes and Saturday morning (7am and 9:15am) classes are CANCELLED. I will be at the studio Friday after the 9:15am class to WOD from 10:30-Noon. If you can’t make class but still wants to come in for some open gym time I’ll be there.
Hope everyone stays safe and enjoys some good quality time with family and friends!

Karri's got skillz


If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US!

New EXP Apparel is HERE!!!!– Women’s tees and tanks, men’s tees, hoodies and sweats. Limited Quantities in stock so get yours today!
Skill/Strength: Power Clean Build-up
Buy-in: None
5 Power Cleans (145/100lbs)
10 TTB
15 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
20min AMRAP

Optional Buy-out:
Weighted Sit-up/Weighted Hip Bridge 5 x 15
Post scores to comment box below.

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