Thursday 8.8.13

Have you heard about the CrossFit EXP Muscle-Up Club? To earn a T-Shirt get your muscle-up on video and post it to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page!

Jackson, Mike & Ryan representing their new T's!

**Through popular demand, the Saturday morning uncoached Team Training will be starting after the 9:15 class at 10:30am starting this week. Hope to see all CrossFit competitors there!

Strength: Deadlift
Gymnastics/Olympic Lift: Dip 4 sets @ 90% of max
SS DL & Dip on 3 min
WOD: [ Purify ]
3 Rounds
1 minute of Max Push Ups
30 seconds rest
1 minute of Max K2E
30 seconds rest
1 minute of Max Calories on the Rower
30 seconds rest
Choose: A, B OR C
A) accumulate 10 (as few sets as possible) Skin the Cats
B) accumulate 10 (as few sets as possible) Hanging ball ups
C) 3×10 Band Lat pull downs
SS w/ 3×20 GHD Back extension
Competitor’s Notes: Start training session w/Muscle-Ups 3-4 max sets accumulating 10-20 reps
Post scores to comment box below.


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