Wednesday 10.2.13

Congrats to September’s High Achievers! Those who have come to class 15+ times in the month!
Dave H
Sam E
Kathy H
Renee D
Tim N
Amanda F
Eric W
Meagan D
Matt G
Abby G
Adam T

Meg is a Stone 2 Shoulders Machine!


Strength: None.
WOD: [ Partnered 100’s]
With a partner complete the following, one person works at a time:
100 KBS (53/35)
100 Wallballs (20/14) to 10′
100 Push Ups
200 Sit Ups
Buy-Out: *REQUIRED* 20 min Mobility.
Team Training: Easy Cardio- sweat for 15-20 min. 30 min mobility. Optional goat Work- ex: muscle-up transitions. Keep the reps low and the weight light. This is a day just to practice good muscle memory and groove movement patterns.
Post scores to comment box below.


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