Daily Dose: How’s Your Heart?

February is American Heart Month.  This month is not only a time for lovers to celebrate together on Valentine’s Day but also a time to bring awareness to the #1 killer of both men and women in America, Heart Disease.  You probably know someone who has either died or suffered from a heart attack.  For me it was my dad just a few years back.   We didn’t lose him but it was a close call.  I remember thinking back then how this could have been prevented.  More exercise.  Better diet.  Different choices.  A healthier lifestyle.  Sure, all those would have been great but sometimes those tidbits of advice come too late.  It’s not until tragedy strikes that people change.  If there is anything you need to change in your life to live healthier then now is the time to do it.  Don’t wait until one morning at 2am when you find yourself short of breath and collapse on the living room floor in agonizing pain from years of poor health choices.  Don’t wait to take charge of your health.  You have a long life ahead of you. Start living fit now!
On another note I came across this quick trailer for a movie called “Fat Head: You’ve Been Fed a Load of Bologna”.  (Has anyone seen it?) 

Today’s FitCamp!
“FitCamp Ladder 1” – Start with 1 repetition of each exercise, then 2 repetitions of each exercise, then 3 and so on until your reach 10 reps of each or 30 minutes.
Clean & Press/Jerk (45, 65, 95, 135)
KB Swing (12, 16, 20, 24)
Hanging Toes 2 Bar
FitCamp News!
Our new FitCamp for Kids program starts on Tuesday, February 23, 2010. Classes are limited to a maximum of 12 participants and one class already has 6 signed up. Get all the details and more by taking a look at the FitCamp for Kids Program Flyer.
Challenge Update:
We had our final weigh-ins for the 28 Day challenge on Saturday. Nick and I will be going over the numbers early this week and we will announce the winner on Wednesday. Stay tuned, the results we’ve seen so far are going to blow you away!