Wednesday 1.14.15

Congratulations to our High Achievers!

These members came 15+ times from December 1st- January 3rd! They were able to make their health a priority during the busiest time of the year!  Great job everyone!
A special congrats to Josh D and Adam T for being our winners for the EXP Swag!  Josh won a T-Shirt and Adam won a New Hoodie!

Jason Chris L Dave P
Amanda G Sarah T Karen
Joyce Jill N Chuck
Tim S Dana Cody
Emily Eric W Angaw
Josh Jason V Melissa
Kim N Kathy H Erik F
Patrick B Amanda H Sam
Amanda F Amy Tamie
John Patty Mike P
Natasha Dennis Devin
Colleen Christine R Megan G
Brian Adam Kelsey
Dorothee Matt G Lisa
Dave H Paul M Kris


STRENGTH: 5 x 5rm Clean (Full)

WOD: [ Clean Slate ]

30 P. Clean & Jerks
30 Air Squats
20 P Clean & Jerks
30 Air Squats
15 P. Clean & Jerks
30 Air Squats
10 P. Clean & Jerks
30 Air Squats
20min Cap
Post scores in comments below.

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