STRENGTH: Rear stepping Lunge 10.10.10 building
WOD: [ Flight ]
15/12 Cal Row
30 Sit ups
x 5 Rds (15min cap)
L1- 30 sit-ups
L2/M- 25 sit-ups
L3- 20 sit-ups
Core Buy-Out:3 x 12/side Mt Climbers (slow, knee to opposite elbow), 30sec hang between each set
WOD: [ Flight ]
15/12 Cal Row
30 Sit ups
x 5 Rds (15min cap)
L1- 30 sit-ups
L2/M- 25 sit-ups
L3- 20 sit-ups
Core Buy-Out:3 x 12/side Mt Climbers (slow, knee to opposite elbow), 30sec hang between each set