FRIDAY 9/10/11 – Double Unders

Are you having a hard time mastering the double under?  We use this exercise frequently enough in class that it’s one you will want to learn how to do.  Here is a quick video of Buddy Lee demonstrating his jump rope skills and talking about the “power jump” which will help you in getting your first double under.  The video is short so make sure to check it out. 

: 9/10/10

Back Squat 3RM x 5 on 2 minutes

Fight Gone Bad – 1 minute of each of the following 5 exercises followed with 1 minute of rest.  3 rounds.  Score each round by tallying total reps for all 5 exercises.  Score workout by adding total reps for 3 rounds. 

Wall Ball (20/14)
SDHP (75/45)
Box Jump (20″)
Push-Press (75/45)
Row (count calories burned)

Post scores and thoughts to comments.
