Thursday 03.14.2019


WOD: (690)
“Team Wod
Run* 4 Laps, Alternating
8 Ropes
40 MB Squat Cleans
Run 3 laps
6 Ropes
30 MB Squat Cleans
Run 2 Laps
4 Rope Climbs
20 MB Squat Cleans
Run 1 Lap
2 Rope Climbs
10 MB Squat Cleans
Individual Wod
Run 3 laps with a 1:1 work:rest Ratio
4 Rope Climbs
25 MB Squat Cleans
Run 2 laps with a 1:1
3 Rope Climbs
20 MB Squat Cleans
Run 2 laps with a 1:1
2 Rope Climbs
15 MB Squat Cleans
Run 1 lap
1 Rope Climb
10 MB Squat cleans
L1- 30/20
L2- 2 x Sit-to stand Rope climbs, 20/14
L3- Run 2.5/2/1.5/1/.5 laps, 40/3020/10 V-rows, 14/10
* If weather is too poor/ unsafe, Rowing 2000/1500/1000/500m or Biking 2/1.5/1/.5 miles on the bike will be the other options.
35min CAP