THURSDAY: 10.28.10
Power Snatch
“Lucky Number 7???
WOD 1: AMRAP in 7
7 DB DL burpees (40/25)
7 1arm DB Sntches (40/25)
7 1arm DB Sntches (40/25)
Then immediately start:
WOD 2: AMRAP in 7
7 Box J’s (24/20)
7 KB swings (multi/ red)
7 Box J’s (24/20)
7 KB swings (multi/ red)
Then immediately start:
WOD 3: AMRAP in 7
7 Dips (ring/ toe push-up)
7 K2E
7 Dips (ring/ toe push-up)
7 K2E
SCORE: total completed rounds of all 3 stations added together
*Post your favorite “sinful food” to comments below.