MONDAY 10.18.10 – Throwdown Results

Congrats to everyone who made Saturday’s Throwdown such an amazing success.  Great job Lisa, Dave A. and Peter D. who took the challenge by storm and pulled off the victory (it must have been the great choice of color) :).  Nick, Jessica and Kathy took 2nd place and after a brutal Tabata Air Squat tie-breaker for 3rd place Tiff, Dave R. and Rebecca pulled it out.  More photos and pics to come later this week but until then please take a moment to share your experience with all (and me) by posting a comment below.  What did this day mean to you and what was your most memorable experience?  I’d love to hear your stories!
On a side note, with deep regret I was unable to make it to the Throwdown on Saturday.  A special thank you to Nick and Tiff for stepping up last minute and pulling off the best day imaginable.  You two are an amazing couple and I can’t thank you enough for all the great things you have done at the studio and for me and my family personally.  Thank you both with all my heart.  Also, thank you Gary for filling in for me at a moments notice and for being such a great friend.  The play-by-play stories you all shared with me after the day was over made me feel as though I was right there with you all for every moment.  I am so happy to hear how great the day went.  My only wish is that I could have been there to see you all laugh and smile and share in the common experience that brought us all closer together as the incredibly strong community and amazing group of friends we have all become.  Thank you so much for making the day memorable for all. 

The Podium - 3rd place (left side, David R., Rebecca, Tiffany), 2nd place (right side, Nick, Jessica, Kathy A.), 1st Place (center, Dave A., Lisa, Peter D.)

MONDAY: 10.18.10
3Rm Clean & Jerk
30 Clean & Jerks for time (135/95/65)
Running Annie
1 Lap, 50 Bicycles
1 Lap, 40 Bicycles
1 Lap, 30 Bicycles
1 Lap, 20 Bicycles
1 Lap, 10 Bicylces
Post comments below.