From the Members:
“I recently joined the FitCamp/CrossFit EXP community about a month ago. I say community because it truly is that. From the coaches to the fellow members everyone is so supportive and encouraging. Just knowing that if I miss a day it does not go unnoticed by the coaches gives me that much more motivation to go daily. I have gained strength and pushed my self to do things I would never do while working out at your typical gym. I know that I will only continue to push myself harder and to new limits thanks to the constant support from all the members and coaches. Thank you all!”
(10 minutes to work on building strong and stable shoulders doing handstand push-up variation).
WOD 1: “3 Chiefs”
3 Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Complete AMRAP of the triplet above in 3 minutes, partial rounds do not count. Rest 1 minute then repeat. Score is total full rounds completed for three rounds.
WOD 2: “Partnered 300m Shuttle Runs”
5 rounds.