Tuesday 8.16.11

Hard work pays off. Geoff just got his first 2 muscle ups last week, way to go Geoff!


EXP Strength:
Power Clean 5 x 1RM

EXP Workout:
EXP WOD 1: “M.L.C.”

In teams of two you will start with AMRAP Power Cleans (135/95lbs) while your partner completes a tire drag (45/25lbs) for 75′ and then sprints back 75′ to relieve you from cleans. Your goal is to tally up as many reps of power cleans as possible while your partner is dragging tire out and sprinting back. Then you will sprint out, grab tire and drag it back to the start while your partner completes AMRAP of Power cleans. Your goal between you and your partner is to complete as many cumulative PC’s as possible in 10 minutes.
EXP WOD 2: “12 minutes of Mobility”

Hip Flexors (2min/side)
Pigeon on Bench (2 min/side)
Splits (2 min/side)

Post scores and comments below. If you are logging your CrossFit EXP WOD’s using Facebook app below and want to see how you did last time we did this WOD then use the search tool on the bottom left hand column. Search for “WOD Name” and you will pull up all previous records for this WOD.