Friday 12.5.14

Last month, CrossFit EXP Supported our FIRST Birthday Wishes Birthday Party!  With all of your help, we had an extremely successful party with over 80 families in attendance!  EXP members gave gifts for 6 out of the 11 Birthday children last month with gift bags averaging $40-$60 each!  We appreciate all of your support in helping make our first Leominster party a HUGE success!
Our December party is just around the corner!  On December 16th, we will host our 2nd Birthday Party at the Leominster Boys and Girls Club.  This month, we have 12 Birthday children!  Below is the list of items needed for this  month’s party.
Donations can be dropped off at CrossFit EXP now- Sunday December 14th. 
If you are interested in learning more about the program, please visist  We appreciate your continued support to bring birthday parties to homeless children!
Balloons (pkg) Helium Tank Gift Card $35 to Marshalls Gifts for 4yr old boy
Cake Mix Hoodsies Gift Card $35 to Target Gifts for 4yr old boy
Candles Juice Boxes Gift Card $35 to TJ Maxx Gifts for 5 yr old boy
Cupcakes Napkins Gift Card $35 to Walmart Gifts for 5 yr old girl
Decorations Paper Plates Gifts for 1 yr old boy Gifts for 6yr old girl
Face Painting Party Blowers/noisemakers Gifts for 10 yr old girl Gifts for 7 yr old girl
Visa Gift Cards Party Hats Gifts for 2 yr old boy Gifts for 7yr old boy
Gifts for 1 yr old girl Plastic Forks Goody Bags Gifts for 9yr old boy
Tablecloths (3)

birthday wishes

1) 4X3 80% Power Snatch

WOD: [ Poland ]

1) 4 rounds of:
run 200m
15 Burpees
L1- 15 burpees
L2-12 burpees
L3- 10 burpees
Rest exactly 1 min between rounds, goal is to finish in under 16mins
at the 16min mark on the clock:
2) 50 KB Goblet squats
50 TTB
50 Thrusters
L1- 53/35, TTB, 75/55
L2-44/26, KTE, 65/45
L3-35/18, Knee Raise, 45/25
Team Training:
1) 4 rounds of:
Row 200m
15 Burpees over Rower (jump over slide)
Rest 1:1
*Rest as needed between #1 & #2.
2) For time:
50 Pistols (alternating)
50 TTB
50 Thruster 115/75#
30min cap for parts 1+2
Post scores in comments below.

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