CONGRATS to Josh B for winning the EXP 31 STRONG Challenge!
Josh came in on top for total points for the month! We applaud your consistency and hard work! He also got some nice prize $$ to show for it! 😃
Nice work buddy! Hear more about Josh’s story below!
(We will be sharing our runners up later this week!)
What drove you to participate in the EXP 31 Strong Challenge?
I like the accountability this type of challenge provides. It’s fun to do something like this with a community and use each other to stay motivated.
What nutrition goals did you set for yourself?
High protein, moderate carbs, and healthy fats (287g, 215g, and 97g). Enough tracking to keep me honest with these macros. Minimal processed foods and avoided sugar.
What area of focus was the most challenging for you and why? What adjustments did you make to your daily routine to have success in this area?
No one area was really too difficult; however, just keeping up with everything, everyday was the most challenging. Probably the biggest adjustment was getting outside daily, and mostly did this after work by reading outside or playing with the kids.
What personal benefits/changes have you seen in yourself from dialing in these 5 areas?
I like the repetition of doing these thing daily. It builds healthy habits that I plan to continue to do (well, may hit Cherry Hill a few times this summer 😄). But I’m general, these types of challenges and what CrossFit has done for me is increased confidence, mental focus, and self-discipline in all area of my life. I’m more present with my family and more productive at work. Plus, I feel incredible and have never felt healthier!
What’s next in your personal goal setting? Which of these 5 areas are you going to continue focusing on or are you going to change them up in any way?
So many goal! Next big goal is a 1/2 marathon (I have never liked running so that’s why I’m doing it!). In general, keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone and doing things that are hard—want to always challenge myself to grow. The five areas in this challenge have really become part of my daily routine at this point and plan to keep at it!