Today is #RareDiseaseDay 2017! Today, with events taking place in over 90 countries all around the world, we hope to raise more awareness than ever for rare diseases! With the theme of research, and the slogan, ‘With research, the possibilities are limitless’, #RareDiseaseDay 2017 is an opportunity to call on all researchers, universities, students, companies, policymakers and clinicians to do more research and to make them aware of the importance of research for the rare disease community. Participate in raising awareness of the day and be part of the change, by sharing the video, the poster, or any Rare Disease Day material on your Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms. WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 2min drills ] Row (Cals) Sit-up KB (53/35) Push up Hollow rock 2min rest x 3 Rds
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