STUDENT SPECIAL! Winter break is here and we’ve just launched a handful of EXTREMELY LIMITED Student Specials for our returning college and high school students. They are first come, first serve and in VERY short supply so act quick if you want to grab a spot and train with us over winter break. Here’s the link- get them while they last!—>EXP Student Specials Once these are sold out you can still register but it will be at full price so don’t procrastinate on this one and register now! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 10 Minutes ] With a partner complete the following: 10 min AMRAP 200m Row KB Swing -2min rest- 10 min AMRAP 200m Row Max Push-ups -2min rest- 10 min AMRAP 200m Row Plank Can only preform reps while your partner is working. L1-70/53, Toe Push-up L2-53/35, Incline Toe Push-up L3-35/26, Knee Push-up Post...
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