Monday 6.2.14

Congratulations to our May High Achievers!  These members came 15+ times last month! 

 Mason  Melissa L
 Stefanie  Lydia
 Lorie  Sam
 Irene  Brenda
 Pat O  Natasha
 Mark  Renee
 Hugo  Dorothee
 Pratik  Ashleigh
 Kendra  Paul
 Eric  Angaw
 Adam  Charles
 Amanda F  Lisa
 Amanda H  Patience
 Kathy H  

Attention EXP members & friends: Anyone interested in the next Olympic Weightlifting Clinic or a Gymnastics Clinic please take 1 minute to fill out this NEW survey. The survey was revamped to try and nail down more specifically what YOU want. Coach Ryan needs YOUR input. It should take no longer than 1 minute to complete.


STRENGTH: F Squat 5.10.15

WOD: [ Jackie ]

1000m row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups

L1-45, rx pull-ups
L2-35, Banded Pull-ups
L3-25, V rows 

Team Training: Weighted Strict C2B pull-ups super set  in strength, OTMEM x 10 1-3 muscle-ups post wod

Post in comments below.


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