Hello and happy FRIDAY! I’m pretty excited today because on Monday we start back up with our 7th Annual Summer BootCamp program. Each year when we start-up BootCamp I always think it can’t get much better than last year. This year however, is going to be INCREDIBLE. Nick and I have been conjuring up new programs and torturous ways to help you take leaps and bounds in your quest for health and fitness perfection. Workouts like “Outdoor FRAN“, “The 400”, “BootCamp Gone Bad”, “The Vortex” and of course everyone’s favorite, a new and improved “Gauntlet”. (And those are just to name a few we will be doing over the first month). Wait to see what we have in store for July!
Well, as excited as I am to start BootCamp this year there are a few more things that have me feeling all amped up today.
# 1. Tomorrow, June 5th from 10:30am-1:30pm Nick is hosting another POSE Running Clinic. If you are a FitCamp member and haven’t done this clinic then you are truly missing out on achieving better results. This 3 hour workshop will teach you how to run more effortlessly, with faster times and avoid all those common running injuries. Now don’t go thinking you have to be this all-star runner to do this clinic. No matter what level you are at from an avid walker to an ultra- marathoner you will be blown away by how much this info will help you. Keep reading…
# 2. Monday, June 7th we start our new Summer Schedule and have added 2 new classes. If you’re a 4pm FitCamper you’ve been asking for this for months. We’re adding in a 4pm TuTh BootCamp class for the summer. If this class gets high attendance during the summer like the 4pm MWF then we’ll keep it. Check out our updated summer class schedule.
# 3. Also next week we will be introducing THREE new instructors! Now don’t act all shocked and surprised. If you’ve been here over the past few months then you already know them. Tiffany, Erin and Karen are certified personal trainers who have been working with me and Nick for that past 2 months going through our FitCamp Instructor Development Program. All three of these girls have been studying and working their butts off learning the moves, the programs and tips to becoming star quality FitCamp instructors. Over the next few weeks you will be seeing a lot more of them as they start team teaching with me and Nick. Also we will all be launching a brand new coaching program and Erin and Karen will be starting a revamped FitCamp kids program in early July (more info coming soon!). If you haven’t met either of these girls yet then please be sure to take a moment to introduce yourself next time you see them in class.
# 4. On a sad note, we will no longer be offering Sat 8am or Sun 4pm Kickboxing during the summer months due to instructor availability. However, Dee will be teaching a Thursday evening 6:30pm class starting next week on June 10th. Make sure to sign-up on the whiteboard at the studio if you plan on attending this class.
# 5. AND Finally! to end on a great note… On Saturday, June 26th at 7pm we will be hosting our FitCamp Summer Social/Movie Night. Bring your lawn chairs and favorite Hawaiian shirt and check out a great movie (TBD) projected “Drive -In Style” on the studio wall. Then hang out and share a few beverages, stories and laughs with your fellow members. More details coming soon!
That’s all for now. Have a great weekend!