Hello EXP Fam!
It’s been on the radar for a week or so that the state would issue a closure of all non-essential businesses and that time has finally come.This morning Gov Baker issued a state wide closure of all non essential businesses as of Noon on Tuesday 3/24/20.(Yes I know, I thought EXP was essential too, but apparently we were not on the list

The good news is we’ve had a week to put together a plan of action behind the scenes to make sure we keep our community together and continue to stay active, healthy, fit (and sane) over the next 2 weeks of lockdown.
The Plan:
- All PM Classes will be ON for this evening (3/23/20) as normally scheduled.
- All AM Classes will be ON for tomorrow morning (3/24/20) as normally scheduled.
- We will be closed starting Noon on 3/24/20 through Tuesday, April 7th.
- Starting this Wednesday morning we will begin our Virtual EXP classes using Zoom.
- Live classes will be run at 5:15am, 9:15am, Noon and 5:15pm Monday thru Friday. Saturday 8am we will have a longer “sweatfest” workout and Sunday will be Mobility Class at 7am.
- The link to access all live zoom classes will be: https://zoom.us/j/3466071292
- Recordings for each day’s WOD will be available if you are unable to make any class time so you can still get your sweat on anytime during the day.
- We will still be using SugarWOD daily so you can score and track all workouts.
- Our at home program will be geared towards building overall work capacity, aerobic threshold, core, mobility and full body fitness using primarily Dumbbells.
- Every member who is following along with the at home program (which should be everyone) will need 1 single pair of DB’s. (RX males ~40lbs +, RX Females ~30lbs, S1 Male ~30lbs, S2 Female ~20lbs).
- If you do not have a pair of appropriate DB’s already at home then please reach out to Patrick, Nick or Pete and you can borrow them from the gym.
- To make sure that all members can follow along with the program we are limiting loaning of equipment to only what is needed for the next 2 weeks.
- Every EXP member will also be assigned to a team with a Coach as their captain. Team captains will be reaching out to help you stay on track with your fitness goals over the days and weeks ahead and can also assist with any technical issues, workout modifications or nutrition support just as they do as your coach during normal classes.
Our goal is and always has been to keep our community healthy, safe and happy so if there is anything we can do to help you along the way as we navigate the next few weeks together please don’t hesitate to let us know by reaching out to your team coach!
See you all in a few weeks!