Thursday 12.1.11

Chris C’s Testimonial:
“We really have the best of the best trainers, Nick is always enjoyable/knowledgeable in pushing me through a workout. There’s always encouraging gestures and statements from fellow members and I have already made multiple friends. My cardio has improved since my first day and my strength/technique is on a constant incline. Back when I would go to a regular gym, sure I’d get slightly excited for maybe a chest day or from a gain the week before. Now when I go to CrossFit EXP I am so pumped to get to my class and find myself thinking about it throughout my day. Absolutely here to stay, and for only being here 4 weeks I might already be a little bias to anything but CrossFit EXP!
-Chris C.

If this doesn't boost our women membership sales I don't know what will...


EXP Skill/Strength:
Shoulder Press
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
EXP Workout:
WOD: “Heatwave”
5 Push-Jerks (135/95lbs)
5 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push-ups
10min AMRAP
Buy-Out: 100 Hollow-rocks for time
Post scores and time to comments below.

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