“2 min Drills”
KBS (53/35 lbs)
PB Curl
Box Jump (20/24″)
2 rounds with 2 min recovery between rounds.
WOD 3… Check! – Awesome job to our competition team who showed up in force on Saturday morning to take on the 3rd workout of the CrossFit Games Open. We will be doing WOD 4 this Saturday morning starting at 7:30am, spectators welcome so come on down and cheer our athletes on!
Check out our individual/team rankings for each of the workouts and learn more about the CrossFit Games Open.
Eating Paleo – Thank you to all those who were part of this years Paleo challenge and made it in for the final weigh ins on Saturday. We would love to hear your thoughts on the experience and how eating Paleo worked for you so please take a moment to post a comment below.
It’s Party Time! – The date has been set for Saturday, April 30th
Who’s Next? – Cast your vote for the next Athlete of the Month. Post who and why to comments below. If you haven’t read about our April 2011 A.O.M. then Check out Kathy’s story…
Last Call! – We have 3 hoodies left over from our winter orders if you would like to grab one while they last. We won’t be getting in any more until the fall and they are super comfy! If you would like to buy one of our few remaining in stock simply e-mail Dawn.
Strength: L-sit
30 seconds x 4 sets
Workout: (scale as needed)