Tuesday 8.2.11

Congratualtions Brian, Leo, Heather and Nick! Who took 1st place overall at this weekend's Life As Rx Team competition. Great job Team EXP!

Congratulations Nate, Angela, L1 and Joey! Who all kicked butt this weekend!

Thank you for all the screams and cheers from our EXP support team!


3RM x 5 Hang Power Clean

WOD: “Nasty Girls”

50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups*
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
3 Rounds for time
20 Min CAP
*If you are unable to do muscle-ups then complete 21 Pull-ups/21 Ring Dips per round.

Post scores and comments below. If you are logging your WOD’s using Facebook app below and want to see how you did last time we did this WOD then use the search tool on the bottom left hand column. Search for “WOD Name” and you will pull up all previous records for this WOD.

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