WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(Team Relay) 10/7 cal bike 15 KB Swings (53/35/18) 20 OHS (45/35l/15) 25 HR Push-ups, Toes or knees 30 DL’s (135/95/ 55) 35 D-Unders/70 Singles 3 RFT (30min CAP) **Using on the floor. Split into 3 equal teams. All teams start at front end of room, one athlete enters first box and completes 10 burpees before moving onto 2nd box and so on. Must keep athlete order and exercise order. Team objective is to work through boxes as fast as possible racing adjacent teams. No lapping or passing allowed. First team to get all athletes through 3 RFT wins.Read more
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: P clean and Jerk building WOD(DT) 12 DL 9 hang Cleans 6 P Jerks x 5 Rds L1-155/105 L2/M-115/75 L3-96/55 10min Cap Read more
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: B Squat 10.10.10. across WOD(Wait, I thought it said slurpees!) 15,12,9,6,3 TTB Burpee – each round ends with a 10/7 cal row/ bike L1- 30/20, TTB L2/M- 20/14, KTE L3- 14/ 10, Knee raise, squat thrust 15min Cap Read more