WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Dip Max + OTMEM 3 ME Dip sets, on 2 min (at min 0, 2, 4 on the OTMEM timer) Then for another 8mins (12 total minutes) OTMEM 3-5 Dips (Add weight/ diffuculty as needed to achieve failure close to 5), shoot for more total volume then previous week Or Close Grip Bench Across, heavier then last week WOD: [ On 3 Minutes ] 15 Burpees (Cap at 1min) Run 200m x 5 rds -record splits for each interval L1- 15/ 200m L2/M-12/200m L3-10/ 150m Core Buy-Out: A) 4 x 20 Hollow Rocks B) 4 x 30sec. HS Hold between each set
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