CALLING ALL MEMBERS….Looking to fine tune your movements and get some hands on basic CrossFit training? We invite you to our next ELEMENTS course Wednesday 1/28 6:30-8:30pm. This course is normally $49 for new members, however, we are offering current members (2+ months) the opportunity to jump into this class for $25. Email
[email protected] to reserve your spot! This 2-hour hands-on course is structured to teach you the ins and outs of CrossFit training and nutrition at EXP. The ultimate goal is for you to understand the proper form and execution of the 12 fundamental exercises we use in CrossFit as well as the how’s and why’s of each movement. This knowledge will give you a base understanding of CrossFit so you can safely and smoothly transition into our group classes where you will continue to learn, adapt and thrive with the help and support of your coaches and fellow...
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