
Happy Thanksgiving to all our EXP Members, Friends and Family! We have no scheduled classes today but we encourage you to go out for a run, do a quick at home workout or just take a rest day and spend good quality time with family. Enjoy! – Your EXP Coaches WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: None WOD: (Spirit Run/Walk) Run “In Spirit” with your fellow EXP’rs. Pick your favorite course, bundle up and head out for a 5k run/walk Thanksgiving morning.
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 5-7 sets of- F Squat 5 reps with 3sec pause at bottom Or 5 sets of- Hang Clean with 3 sec pause at bottom, x 3 reps. WOD: (Mash the taters!) 5 Hang power cleans 10 Box Jumps 15 Sit-ups x10min AMRAP L1- 205/145, 30/24, GHD L2- 135/85, 24/20, Strict L3- 95/55, 20/14, arm throw At the 13min Mark :15sec of Hollow hold :15sec of Hollow Rocks :15sec of V-ups :30sec rest x 5 Rds 17mins
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: .Push Press 5rm Or P Jerk Complex P Jerk Complex: 3 Push Press 2 Power Jerks 1 Split Jerk WOD: (Stuffin’ Muffins) ON 2mins- 12/10 Cal Bike (or row) 15/12 Pull-ups 15/12 Push-ups x 6 Rds L1- 12/10 cals, 6/4 M-ups L2- 10/8 cals, BW, Toes L3- Row 8/6 cals, jumping, knees 12mins
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 5-7 sets of- OHS 5 reps with a 3 sec pause at bottom Or 5 sets of- Hang Snatch with 3 sec pause at bottom, x 3 reps WOD: (Red Zone) 400m Run 20 Thrusters x 3 Rds L1- 400m, 95/65 L2- 300m, 75/55 L3- 200m, 65/35
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 8am-10am.
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