Good luck to our Athletes competing in the Rookie Rivalry today at CrossFit Nashua!
If you are looking to build a solid foundation of good nutrition, join our Whole 30 group starting MONDAY! Below is a brief overview of what the Whole 30 Challenge is all about.
Action Steps:
- Join our Facebook Event to benefit from the daily recipes and support from fellow members!
- PURGE "non compliant" foods from your cabinets and fridge.
- Choose a day for food prep, (we like Sundays). Go shopping and stock your fridge. Here a quick video on food prep. Extra tupperware and ziploc bags come in handy!
- Stay connected– Post your questions and any challenges you face along the way to the group so we can help you through it!
WOD: [ Rivalry ]
800m Run
40 DB Cleans
20 Box Jumps
600m Run
30 DB Cleans
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
20 DB Cleans
10 Box Jumps
200m Run
10 DB Cleans
5 Box Jumps
L1- 40/30, 24/20
L2- 30/20, 20/14
L3-20/15, 14/ 45# plate
Jenn's Mobility Class 10:30-11:00am
Team Training: Strength session 8-9am, WOD @ 9:15.
Post in comments below.