Sunday 4.27.14

Looking for a bike for the summer?  Head down to the Gear Works Bike Swap today 11am-5pm.  Be sure to get there early for the good finds!

If you are looking to build a solid foundation of good nutrition, join our Whole 30 group starting MONDAY! Below is a brief overview of what the Whole 30 Challenge is all about.  

Action Steps:

  • Join our Facebook Event to benefit from the daily recipes and support from fellow members!
  • PURGE "non compliant" foods from your cabinets and fridge.  
  • Choose a day for food prep, (we like Sundays). Go shopping and stock your fridge. Here a quick video on food prep. Extra tupperware and ziploc bags come in handy!
  • Stay connected– Post your questions and any challenges you face along the way to the group so we can help you through it!




Open Gym 9:15-10:15am.  Work on a strength or skill or make up a WOD from the week!

Team Training: Rest Day

Post in comments below.



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