Monday 4.28.14

Our Whole 30 Challenge starts TODAY!  It's not too late to join though, take a look at the action steps below and jump on board!

  Action Steps:

  • Join our Facebook Event to benefit from the daily recipes and support from fellow members!
  • PURGE "non compliant" foods from your cabinets and fridge.  
  • Choose a day for food prep. Go shopping and stock your fridge. Here a quick video on food prep. Extra tupperware and ziploc bags come in handy!
  • Stay connected– Post your questions and any challenges you face along the way to the group so we can help you through it!



Pull-up 5x max
Strict Press 5×5
BB Row 5×10
Dip 5x max

WOD: [ Orly  ]

5 DL's
10 Push-ups

8 min AMRAP


Team Training: 

Strength: Wt. Pull-up3RM/ Wt. Dip 3RM

WOD:  5 DL (275/225)/ 3 M-ups (Or bench transitions)

Post in comments below.


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