Tuesday – 1.18.11

Hola!  Just watched “Dispicable Me” with my Angela and Emma and it was a great flick so be sure to check it out for a good laugh. Gotta love those animated movies that kids love and parents can crack up at.  Okay, on to today’s post. 
The overhead squat (OHS) is feared by many but it is truly one of the best exercises out there to not only assess leg/hip power, core strength and shoulder stability/flexibility but also how your body functions as a whole. If you are tight or weak in just about any part of your body then watching your OHS will tell all.  In today’s Strength session you will be going for 5 sets of your 3RM OHS on a 2 min cycle. If you need help with perfecting this move make sure to ask one of your instructors or experienced class mates for a few tips. Also, check out this video of Nicole Carroll from CrossFit HQ going for a huge milestone, overhead squats bodyweight 15 times.


Strength: Overhead Squat
WOD: “Shot Gun”

9 Pull-ups
12 Dips
15 V-ups
20 min AMRAP
Paleo Challenge:  Day 2