WOD 1:
15 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
5 rounds for time
WOD 2:
Run 1 lap/400m on 3min x 4
Comp Team: – Please RSVP by Thursday 8pm letting us know if you will make it for Saturday 7am workout or not. E-mail Patrick to RSVP.
CrossFit EXP!: In case you haven’t noticed we made a name change for our CrossFit Affiliate and Games Comp team. We will now be known in the CrossFit community as…. drum roll please…. CrossFit EXP! You may have seen our temp logo at the top right hand corner of this page. This logo was needed so we could link to the main site at www.CrossFit.com and we are in the process of creating a new brand and logo for our newly formed CrossFit affiliate.
What’s EXP? The origin of this name came about from the many members who have mentioned how the people, coaches, workouts and the total studio environment creates such an inspiring and unique experience compared to a traditional gym or health club. What separates us from the rest is the EXPerience we create from the moment you walk in, through each and every workout, to the moment you walk out of the studio. And that my friends is the low-down on CrossFit EXP!
*Be sure to check out our individual/team rankings for each of the workouts and learn more about the CrossFit Games Open.
It’s Party Time! – The date has been set for Saturday, April 30th
Who’s Next? – Cast your vote for the next Athlete of the Month. Post who and why to comments below. If you haven’t read about our April 2011 A.O.M. then Check out Kathy’s story…
Last Call! – We have 3 hoodies left over from our winter orders if you would like to grab one while they last. We won’t be getting in any more until the fall and they are super comfy! If you would like to buy one of our few remaining in stock simply e-mail Dawn.
Strength: Strict Shoulder Press
3 sets TF [3-10 reps]
Workout: (scale as needed)