“The mind is weaker than the body; so just imagine what the body could do with the right mindset. Fears and self-doubt can stop an athlete in his or her tracks long before the body quits. Mental fitness is absolutely key to performance, and without it there can be no true optimal performance of any task or skill.” -Katie Chasey
Check out the rest of this awesome article The Athletic Mind, Part 1: The Role of Perception in Athletics for some ideas on how we can shift our mindset to be more positive as athletes.
Last Saturday was a HUGE day for Sam:
1) He passed his Police exam
2) He strung together 5 Muscle-Ups during team training, A PR!
Congrats on all your accomplishments Sam!
Beginners Snatch Clinic w/ Jackson September 8th 10am. Click here for more information & to register!
Strength: None.
WOD: [ Drag, Pull, Slide ]
With a partner complete the following. I athlete goes through the round and then switches with partner.
75′ Tire Drag
75′ Reverse Tire Drag
75′ Lateral Drag Left Side
75′ Lateral Drag Right Side
x 10 rounds each (45/25# plate on tire)
Buy-Out: None.
Competitor’s Notes: Flush Day: 15-30 min Cardio + 30-45 min Mobility.
Post scores to comment box below.