Friday 11.8.13

!!REMINDER!! Jen's 10:30am Mobility class is ON for every Satuday starting tomorrow!  See you there!

Team Training Updates:  Beginning this week, Saturday's training schedule will be as follows:

8-9am Strength & Skill work, 9:15am WOD w/class, 10:30am Mobility w/Jenn

Coach Stacey working hard with her kiddos during "Deck of Cards" on Wednesday!


Strength: OTM x10: Hang Snatch + Snatch

WOD: [ OPENS 11.1 ]
10 min AMRAP

30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75/55)

Compare to 6.17.13

Buy-Out:  3 Sets 150' HEAVY Prowler Push

Team Training Notes: Follow Class. UPDATES TO SATURDAYS: Strength/Skill work 8am-9am WOD 9:15am Mobility 10:30am

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