Upcoming Schedule Changes:
Monday, Sept 5th: One class at 8am (Labor Day)
Saturday, Sept 10th: No 9:15am Class (RootsFest/EXP Comp Team Exhibition 10-3pm)
EXP Strength:
Bench Press/Power Clean SuperSet 5 x 5RM
EXP Workout:
WOD: “Remainder”
With a 10min CAP, start by running 800m then complete AMRAP of the following couplet with remainder of time.
10 Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
10 Burpees
At 10 minute mark begin 2nd WOD also with a 10 min CAP.
Run 800m
10 Box Jumps (24/20″)
10 KB Swings (70/53lbs)
Score each workout independently by totaling reps for each couplet.
WOD 2: “Buy Out”
10 min of Mobility: pick 3 mobility exercises/drills to work on for 10 minutes.
Post scores and comments below. If you are logging your CrossFit EXP WOD’s using Facebook app below and want to see how you did last time we did this WOD then use the search tool on the bottom left hand column. Search for “WOD Name” and you will pull up all previous records for this WOD.