WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Mobility Day ] Run 2-3 miles or Row 3-4k or Air Dyne 4-5 miles (20min Cap) Mobility Day 1. LX Ball- 1 min/ side (6mins total) -Shoulder blades -Glutes -Feet 2. Foam Roll- 1 min/ side (11mins) -Calves -Quads -Inner Thigh -IT Band -T-Spine -Lats 3. Lower Body Stretch- 1 min/ side (7mins) -Hip Flexor -Pigeon -Splits -Frog -Calves 4. Upper Body Stretch-1min/ side (8mins) -Banded Lats -Banded Pecs -Banded Internal rotation -Banded Posterior Delt/ Scap Core Buy-Out: 5 min total hang Read more