As a reminder, this Saturday is our CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! Please note our weekend schedule, thanks! –>Friday 9/25: 4PM ONLY, no other PM classes –>Saturday 9/26: no 9:15 class –>Sunday 9/27: Open gym 9:15-10:15 WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Clean Building WOD: [ Fully Charged ] 8min Amrap 2,4,6,8,10…. Box Jump Power Clean L1-135/95, 24/20″ L2/M-95/65,20/14″ L3-65/45, 14/ Plate Buy-Out: A) 3 x 10 BB Bent over Row (Goal should be 40-50% or 1rm Bench Press) B) 3 x 20sec HS hold between each set
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