Thursday 9.24.15

Congratulations to Lauren & Elaina for running the Kylee’s Kare Kits for Kidz 5K this past weekend!
As a reminder, this Saturday is our CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown!
Please note our weekend schedule, thanks!
–>Friday 9/25: 4PM ONLY, no other PM classes
–>Saturday 9/26: no 9:15 class
–>Sunday 9/27: Open gym 9:15-10:15
Athletes competing this weekend- Wondering what to do to prepare in the last couple of days?
Here’s what we recommend to our athletes:

Thursday: Active rest day. Row 2K or 1 mile run followed by mobility (Head to toe!)

WOD: [ Team of 3-10k Row ]
-Switch every 250m
-every time after your interval, 15 sit-ups

50min Cap
Buy-Out: Accumulate 80 sec in a HS Hold
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