Congratulations to Alexiss and Sarah for taking 1ST PLACE at the CF Iron Spider competition this past weekend! TESTING WEEK CONTINUES TODAY WITH A STUDIO 5K! Over the next 6 weeks, we will be focusing on building our “engines!” If you can master the 5k, you will have the engine to be able to withstand pretty much any high turnover wod that is thrown at you. Steady state will give you the boost that we all need! As with any other WOD, being side by side with others working hard is going to push you to do your best so we encourage you to run the 5K with class! There is a 5k race that is a perfect timing for the end of our 6 week cycle, it is the Miles for Myles 5k road race in Lunenburg on Oct 18th, we would love to have a big EXP showing...
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