The 31Heroes Project was conceived in response to the Extortion 17 helicopter crash in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011 killing 30 military service members, as well as one military working dog – Many of the fallen were Special Operators from the Navy SEAL community.Men and women from all branches of our armed forces lay down their lives every day in defense of our freedom, sometimes with minimal recognition for their sacrifice or their family’s sacrifice. The events of August 6, 2011 drove us to recognize our responsibility, as Americans, to take care of the surviving families of this particular tragedy, but also to take action in support of all families of our fallen military heroes. And there The 31Heroes Project was born. Today's WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one dog that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one...
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