No pain, no gain for high school athletes In January, soon after St. John's 2013 football season concluded, Norton took up powerlifting. He won a meet in February with a 457-pound back squat, but he told his trainer, Ryan Cormier, he wasn't satisfied. "We were talking and I said I'm not happy with the way I look, I'm not happy with the way I'm performing," said Norton, St. John's starting middle linebacker. Norton and Cormier, a coach at CrossFit EXP in Leominster, designed a crossover program for Norton that includes some powerlifting, some football training and some metabolic conditioning elements, as well as a nutrition component. At 5-foot-9, 214 pounds, Norton has shed 26 pounds since starting the new program, but hasn't lost any of his strength. He recently performed a personal-best dead lift of 507½ pounds. "I feel so much better," Norton said. While exclusively powerlifting, Norton weighed as...
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