Weekend Reminder!! The Internal Throwdown has been changed to a fun TEAM WOD 9:15-10:15am. Hope to see you all there! Another great write up by Jon Gilson of Again Faster, speaking about the 10 “Must Do’s” to get the most measurable progress out of your CrossFit training. “To the beginning Crossfitter, the sheer size of the curriculum can be daunting. You’ll learn Olympic lifts, gymnastics, sprinting, kettlebell swings, medicine ball work, basic nutrition, and a hundred other things. Crossfit has combined these modalities and a good dose of creativity to develop an inclusive model of fitness programming.
In an effort to make Crossfit a little easier to deal with, here are the things you need to know to become an elite athlete. Everything else will come with time.
1.) Virtuosity: Do every rep correctly, every time. Virtuosity is the pursuit of perfection. Become a stickler for form, and you will reap...
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